Our pups have been spoiled with our daily presence during what has become an endless work-from-home stint. But what happens when we have to return to the office and our dogs are left to sit in silence for 8 hours each day? 

Dog daycare can provide too much stimulation for many dogs, so it is critical to find a solution in which your dog can remain in the home environment he has come to trust. 

  • Did you adopt a dog during Covid?
  • Have you been home with your dog day in and day out during the pandemic?
  • Have you wondered how things will be once you return to the office? 
  • Do you know how your pup will handle your extended absence once you do return to the office? 

Isolation distress and separation anxiety can be some of the most debilitating conditions for both you and your dog, so it’s important to know how your dog will handle your absence and to start preparing now. Overcoming fears does not happen overnight, and we’re here to walk you through every step! 

What is Isolation Distress and how is it different from Separation Anxiety? Isolation Distress is when your pup doesn’t want to be left alone, but another human other than the owner can give comfort. Separation Anxiety is defined as a serious state of anguish when the dog becomes panicked and terrified at their owner’s departure, and being alone in the house while they’re gone. 

Causes of Isolation Distress or Separation Anxiety: 

  • The dog’s personality – there may be a genetic predisposition to SA or ID
  • Re-homing, such as a dog who has had to be rehomed multiple times or even just once or a puppy who has just left the warmth of his littermates
  • A dog who has never been left alone
  • A dog who has been through a traumatic separation through the death of a family member (human or animal)
  • The dog or a family member has an extended hospital stay, separating the dog from their family
  • A dog who has experienced some sort of trauma while alone (an attempted or successful burglary or a fire, tornado, or severe storm)
  • Noise phobia
  • Old age
  • The arrival of a new family member (human or animal)
  • Leaving the litter at too young of an age
  • The family moving to a new home or downsizing from a house to a condo/apartment

Chicago Pet Sitters would like to help prepare your pup for comfortably living at home while you’re at work. Reach out now to schedule a virtual Meet ‘n Greet to see if we can help you!

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